
Christingle services will take place in All Saints’ Church, Compton and St. Matthew’s Church, Otterbourne on Sunday 11th December at 4pm and 4.30 pm respectively.
This is a joyful family and community celebration where we will be making Christingles. Everyone is welcome to join us.
Second Saturday Lunch
The December Second Saturday lunch will be held on Saturday 10th December at The Reeves Scout Hall, Compton.
Christmas lunch will be served at 12. 30pm and, afterwards, we will sing some carols to live accompaniment.
Please let the Rector know if you would like to come along although you will receive a warm, friendly welcome if you just pop in.
Christmas Tree Festival
The annual Christmas tree festival will be held at Hursley on Saturday 10th December from 10 am.
Do come along to take a look and support the village.
Morning Service for Advent Sunday 2022
Advent is all about waiting. But there is more than one sort of waiting – there is the kind of waiting when you know something’s going to happen and you know when it’s going to happen. Like Christmas, we all know when it is so we know how long we have to wait.
Quiz night
The quiz will be held on Saturday 26th November at 7 pm. in Otterbourne Village Hall. Fish and chip supper included.
For tickets, contact,
Otterbourne Christmas Fair

The Christmas Fair will be held on Saturday 26th November between 12 noon -3.15 pm at the Otterbourne Village Hall.
Come to buy some unique Christmas gifts, hand-made with care. Light lunch and lots of tea and cake will be available as well as Father Christmas in his grotto.
Morning Service for 3rd before Advent 2022
The whole account to me is a cautionary tale to those tempted to take scripture literally, outside of context, authorship, or common sense. It is a lesson many Christian preachers would do well to revisit! The very preaching of Jesus went beyond his own people’s understanding of the nature of God which they found in their scriptures, to a point which shocked and disturbed them – especially the religious professionals.
We should be prepared for the same shock and disturbance when new science and new understanding of how human beings function lead us to question old certainties and old judgements of right and wrong – clean and unclean (to use an old term but a notion still embedded in our reactions). The question of why Church of England clergy, unlike those of the Methodist church and the Church of Scotland, are still prevented by law from marrying same-sex couples is for me just such an issue of new science and new understanding challenging old certainties and old judgements.
Morning Service for All Saints’ Sunday 2022
So today we think about sanctity. We celebrate the heroes of the faith who have ‘made it’, who have run the race and won the prize; who have lived lives of sanctity and holiness, who have inspired others by their acts of self-forgetful generosity, or who have refused to recant their confession of Christ, even though it meant torture and death. These men and women have allowed their faith in God and his Christ to turn their human priorities and instincts upside down.
Second Saturday Lunch
The Second Saturday Lunch is held in the Reeves Scout hall in Compton. The lunch is open to anyone who would like to join us. A home cooked main course, pudding and a soft drink are provided. Donations are welcomed but not essential. The most enjoyable part of the lunches is always the company and […]
Benefice Memorial Service
Our annual Memorial service for All Souls will be held at St. Matthew’s church, Otterboure on Sunday 30th October at 6.00 pm. The service wiil include time for reflection and prayer for the lives of loved ones who are no longer with us.
Morning Service for Trinity 18 2022
At first sight this parable from Luke’s gospel is rather uninteresting, being merely an exhortation to be continuous and persistent in prayer – wise teaching for sure, but it is odd that the parable seems to compare God to an unjust judge. However, Luke wraps it in a context irresistibly focussed on the need to pray. As he does so often, he feels bounden to help his reader and put the parable within an interpretive framework, in other words, he has to try and explain it. But if the parable is cut from this surround then perhaps, left to itself, it may say something wholly different, and perhaps more interesting.
Magazine letter October 2022
I write this on Friday 16th September, I give the date because our thoughts this week, a week of mourning for our late Queen Elizabeth II, can’t help but be dominated by Her Majesty’s death and the response to it.
Coffee Morning

Coffee Morning – St Matthew’s, Otterbourne, 10am Monday 10th October
Morning Service for Trinity 17 2022
It’s all about response. How do you respond? So much of our life is deciding our reaction to something. We aren’t in a position to dictate, we can only respond to someone else’s move.

2nd October Songs of Praise for Harvest
6pm St Matthew’s, Otterbourne
Morning Service for Harvest 2022
Some of the Jews of Jesus’ day meditated upon the account in the Torah of the children of Israel’s escape from Egypt and their wanderings in the desert until they reached the promised land. They saw in it the roots of possible deliverance from the problems of their own time. Their saviour, God’s anointed one, would be a new Moses who would lead them to a new promised age, where their oppressors would perish and the world would acknowledge their God as the Lord of all the earth.
Morning Service for Trinity 15 2022
Today Jeremiah demonstrates the well known phrase, ‘putting your money where your mouth is’. We are very familiar with Jeremiah’s prophecies of doom and disaster, we’ve been hearing them for weeks now, but we are apt to overlook his more hopeful and encouraging pronouncements.
Today we heard a dramatic example of Jeremiah’s faith. Even with the enemy laying siege to the city, and Jeremiah himself imprisoned, even then he shows his faith in the future of his nation by buying his cousin’s field – keeping it in the family, as was his moral duty.
Morning Service for Trinity 14 2022
We are all possessors, not owners. It has troubled faithful Christians since the time of Christ how to account for that which through inheritance, good fortune, or the sweat of their brow they have managed to gather together. This parable says use it generously, for the real treasure to be had is to come. It also says that in the forgiving of debt, life disabling, fear promoting debt, there is reward – be generous and generosity will be shown to you – not pie in the sky, but now among our neighbours and fellow men and women.
The Funeral of H M Queen Elizabeth
We shall be screening this service in Compton Church from 10.30am Monday 19th September.
Special Evening Service
There will be an evening choral service beginning at 6pm Sunday 18th September at St Matthew’s, Otterbourne to give thanks for the life of Queen Elizabeth II and pray for His Majesty King Charles III.
Everyone is most welcome.