
Magazine letter for February 2023

I remember little from my school days, which is not surprising, my memory about anything is not that great, but I do remember a story from my Scripture lesson when I was in primary school (who remembers Scripture lessons? Shows my age!). It was the story of the paralysed man whose friends made a hole in the roof of a house in order to lower him, still on his bed, right in front of Jesus (Mark 2.1-12).

Magazine letter for January 2023

After the thrill of candles and cribs, presents and turkeys, the scramble of the sales takes over – the shops rip down the decorations and bargain hunting rules the day. Christmas is well and truly over, and Epiphany is ignored.

December 2022 magazine letter

In December the church traditionally remembers prophets, their words come to us in all those services of Nine Lessons and Carols (6pm Otterbourne 18th Dec). We remember prophets and their words because they are the special mouthpiece of God, his means of communication with the world. Or at least that is how they were understood.

Magazine Letter for November 2022

During daylight hours the churches of this benefice are always open (well, almost always) for prayer and reflection, for people to find their God – or just some peace and quiet.

Morning Service for the Sixth Sunday of Easter 2023

We have just heard part of John’s farewell discourse of Jesus, given at the last supper to his disciples. In the discourse John has in mind not only what happens immediately after the trial and crucifixion but also what happens in the years that follow. The community of Jesus’ followers would not be left bereft, but that Jesus’ presence would be with them in the form of the Paraclete or Advocate – names which give a sense of the Spirit’s function for John’s community – to give words to Christians on trial for their faith, as an advocate in a court hearing.

Morning Service for the Fifth Sunday of Easter 2023

And so the fate of Stephen, the church’s first martyr, was sealed. And what did he do to win this unfortunate honour? Set fire to a holy building? Poison the Emperor? No, he spoke – he uttered words. And were those words such as to call people to arms, to demand a violent struggle? No – but they weren’t tactful, they were challenging and unflinching. 

Otterbourne Summer Festival

The Summer Festival will be held again on Sunday 23rd June from 12 noon until 3pm on the recreation ground. More details to follow.

Trinity’s Big Sleep Out

On Friday, 12th May 2023, Trinity will be hosting their Big Sleep Out by spending the night under the stars at Winchester Cathedral in homemade cardboard shelters to raise money and awareness for those facing homelessness. Last year, the event raised over £26,000 to support their services. You are invited you to join them for […]

Morning Service for the Third Sunday of Easter 2023

If you take the Bible literally, God created the world and all that is in it in 6 days and on the 7th day he rested. You might think that is just poetic and it took longer, but however long that took, Easter happened in one day.

Morning Service for the Second Sunday of Easter 2023

We are soon to celebrate the gift of the Spirit. The birthday of the church. The church follows the order of things as given by the writer of the Acts of the Apostles and places the coming of the Holy Spirit 49 days after the Resurrection. But for the writer of St John’s Gospel it was not so; according to him, Jesus’ first appearance to his disciples culminated with him breathing upon them and saying, “receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone their sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.” These are important words, uncomfortable words, words that make us stop and question what this Gospel is trying to say.

Morning Service for Easter Day 2023

The writer of the gospel according the St John does not waste words. What he writes he writes for a reason. His Gospel is highly structured, nothing is included just for the sake of it, each miracle or sign he reports he uses to disclose the nature of Jesus and his mission. So what of this curious incident with Mary, what is it intended to convey.

Morning Service for Palm Sunday 2023

To write his telling of the story of Jesus Matthew drew on various sources, the most obvious of them was the Gospel of St Mark. On many occasions Matthew does nothing more than précis Mark, but often he will reword and amend to get across his themes and ideas of what Jesus was about, and why he did the things he did. His account of the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem is a clear example of his tinkering.

Easter Day

This is the principal service of the Christian year. On Sunday, each church in the benefic will be holding their own all-age comminuion service at their usual times.

Good Friday

It has long been the tradition of the church to keep watch during the last three hours Jesus hung on the cross (12 noon – 3pm). We do so at St. Matthew’s, Otterbourne accompanied by beautiful passiontide music, and inspired words, pictures and film. Come along for as long, or as short a time as […]

Easter Service of Meditation

To help us in our journey through this week we are having a 20 minute service of meditation in St. Matthew’s church room, Otterbourne on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 5pm. Do come along to share this time with us.

Morning Service for Lent 5 2023

Today, we begin the story of Jesus’ death upon the cross. Why did he have to die? Perhaps if he had stayed in Galilee preaching he would not have had to die, but He chose to go to Jerusalem and to challenge the powers that be.

MORNING Service for Mothering Sunday 2023

Today is Mothering Sunday, please note, it is not Mother’s Day, that is a day for people to celebrate their mother, it began in America after a one woman campaign by a lady called Anna Jarvis.

A Morning Service for the Third Sunday of Lent 2023

The gospel reading set for today is a very long and puzzling report of a conversation Jesus had with a Samaritan woman. I think it would be easy to miss its significance if we didn’t remember that it is John who is recalling this incident, and nothing he recalls is without great significance.

Easter Services

Please find below the dates and times of our Easter Services across the Benefice. Thursday 6th April 7.30pm                 Maundy Thursday Parish Communion @ Compton Friday 7th April – Good Friday 10.00am              Meet at Wayside Cross.  Then walk to Compton church for 10.30am service 12 noon               Words and Music for Good Friday @ Otterbourne (2nd) […]

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