Or Christening if your prefer, same event, different names – a uniquely important day in the life of anyone, whether infant or adult.
We are delighted to hold baptism services at our three churches. Ideally they should take place during the main morning service, but it is possible to arrange a service for 3pm on Sunday afternoon. We may need to baptise more than one child at a service if there is demand for that date and time.
Your child’s Godparents must be baptised/christened themselves.
We encourage families to have their children baptised in their local church where they will hopefully be able to form lasting connections.
To discuss the baptism of your child please speak to the Rector after a service or contact Dawn Morris, the Benefice Administrator, on administrator@chobenefice.co.uk
Of course, we also baptise adults, but naturally the arrangements are tailored to individual needs. Again, please contact the Rector to discuss the next step.
The Church of England has a new website dedicated to Christenings, do have a look. You will find it at https://churchofenglandchristenings.org