Spring Fun Day
Otterbourne will be holding another Spring Fun Day on 26th April from 10 am – 12.30 pm. Further details will be published soon. Please put the date in your diary.
St Matthew’s Spring Clean
Volunteers are needed to come along and help with giving St. Matthew’s a good clean and tidy up please! We need tall men to help with high level cobweb cleaning and volunteers to help with dusting, brass cleaning and other tasks. The music cupboard in the church room also needs a good tidy. If you […]
Mothering Sunday Services
Instead of the usual fifth Sunday benefice service in March, there will be a service for Mothering Sunday, 30th March, held in each church. Posies will be available for children to offer to their mothers, grandmothers and whomsoever they decide deserves a gift. Everyone is welcome to attend a service and bring along family and […]
This weekend
A reminder that we are holding the Jigsaw Festival this Saturday 15th from 12 noon until 3pm in St. Matthew’s, Otterbourne. We have a gallery of completed puzzles for you to admire. There will be an opportunity for you to purchase one to take home. Refreshments will be served and there will be activities for […]
Jigsaw Festival
Following the success of the jigsaw festival last year, we will be holding another this year on 15th February 2025 from 12 noon until 3pm in St. Matthew’s church. We will be making up jigsaws again, so please take a board and a puzzle from the back of the church in Otterbourne, enjoy completing the […]
CHO Tots
All are welcome to join us at our regular baby and toddler group. We meet on Wednesday mornings from 10-11.30 am during term time in St. Matthew’s church room, Otterbourne. Light refreshments and a hot drink are available.
Coffee Morning
We will be meeting for our first coffee morning of 2025 on Monday 6th January from 10-11.30 am at St. Matthew’s church room, Otterbourne. This month, we are remembering Mary Everard and donations will be sent to Mountbatten, Hampshire. Everyone is welcome to join us for cake, biscuits and a hot drink. Even if you […]
Carols around the Christmas tree
The annual singing of carols around the Christmas tree will take place on Tuesday 17th December from 7pm at Otterbourne Village Hall. Everyone is welcome.
Christmas Fair on Saturday 30th November
The Christmas Fair is always popular. This year, we have local crafts and gifts, children’s stalls, tomobolas, childrens games, a hamper raffle and much more and our homemade refreshments will be available for you to enjoy. Come along and join the festive fun between 12 pm tp 3pm in Otterbourne Village Hall.
CHO Tots
Just a quick reminder that the baby and toddler group meets every Wednesday in term time from 10-11.30 am in St. Matthew’s church room. Everyone is welcome to come along.
Otterbourne Christmas Fair and Quiz night
The annual Christmas Fair will be held in Otterbourne Village Hall on 30th November from 12 noon until 3 pm. Further details will follow nearer the time. In the meantime, we would welcome donations of soft toys, bottles, cakes and festive chocolates. If you are willing to volunteer to help out on the day, please email the Administator at: administrator@chobenefice.co.uk
In the evening, there will be a quiz night with a ‘Fish and Chip’ supper starting at 7 pm.
Coffee morning
We will meet on Monday 7th October from 10-11.30 am in St. Matthew’s church room, Otterbourne. Come along for tea, coffee and cake. Everyone is welcome to join us. Any donations received from the morning will be sent to the Basics Bank.
Harvest Festival
We shall be holding our Harvest Festival services in all three churches in the benefice. The Family Communion service with Harvest at St. Matthew’s, Otterbourne will be held at 9.30am on Sunday 6th October and All Saints’, Compton will be joined by Compton School for the service at 11.00am. All Saints’, Hursley will be celebrating […]

On Sunday November 3rd at 6.00pm in St Matthew’s Church we will be holding our ALL SOULS Service when we remember and celebrate the lives of those we have lost and see no more.
It is a short informal and quiet service of reflection.
Harvest Songs of Praise
On Sunday 6th October at St Matthew’s we will be holding a SONGS OF PRAISE FOR HARVEST at 6.00pm and you are all very welcome to come and sing the popular Harvest hymns and share a glass of wine with us in the Church Room afterwards.
Our Rector will have retired by then, but it is very important that we continue to meet an worship together. We look forward to seeing you.
Farewell to William
On Sunday 29 th September, we will be holding a Benefice Service as a farewell toWilliam at 11am in St Matthew’s, Otterbourne. All are welcome to attend as wewish William well as he starts his retirement. Please stay on after the service fordrinks and nibbles.
Coffee morning
Our monthly coffee mornings will resume on Monday 16 th September from 10 – 11:30am. Everyone is welcome to join us in St Matthew’s church room. Come along for tea and coffee; cakesand biscuits. Any donations received ths month will be in aid of St Matthew’s Church.
Baby and Toddler Group
The benefice baby and toddler group will commence again between 10 –11:30am, on Wednesday 11th September. Babies and toddlers with parents,grand-parents or carers are all welcome. It is a chance for your children to play andlearn to socialise, while you have a hot drink and a chat. There will be a biscuit forthe children, along […]
Summer break
The benefice baby and toddler group has now stopped for the summer holidays. Our first meet up after the holidays will be on Wednesdy 10th September between 10 – 11.30am. Coffee Morning. There is no coffee morning during August. The next Coffee morning will be held on Monday 16th September between 10-11.30am. Knit and Natter. […]
Rectory Bring and Share lunch
The lunch will take place at The Rectory in Otterbourne on Sunday 14th July from 12.30pm. Everyone in the benefice is invited to join us. If you come along please bring something that can be shared.