
Reflection – God listens

The assurance that God will listen when we call him is comforting…..  the hymn ‘Be thou my vision’ is peaceful and this version sung by the Tabernacle choir is uplifting:

Reflection – Eagle’s wings

An extract from a project on the Isle of Wight to reintroduce White-tailed Eagles to the South. They look totally free. Project Officer Steve Egerton-Read describes how up to 60 white-tailed eagles are being returned to the southern England in the next 5 years to re-establish it as a breeding species. Please note that not […]

Reflection – Do not be afraid, Isaiah 43 1-5

The hymn ‘Do not be afraid’ has beautiful words written by Gerard Markland about trusting God that are very moving.  There are two versions to listen to here – St Andrews Cathedral choir and an upbeat Gospel Touch choir – both are equally current and uplifting, based on Isaiah 43 1-5: ‘Do not be afraid, […]

Reflection – Make me a channel of your peace

This prayer of peace known as The Prayer of Saint Francis is beautifully inspiring. Through the reading from Jeremiah we hear of God’s sadness if we do not listen.  It is difficult to listen sometimes and the words of this hymn can help with travelling in the right direction and staying strong. BBC Radio 2 […]

Reflection – The Temptation in the Wilderness

This hauntingly beautiful painting of Jesus utterly alone in his experience and agonised,  depicts how many of us may be experiencing our own ‘wilderness’ at the moment….. reading Deuteronomy chapter 8 may focus meditation on ‘wilderness’. To read more about the painting hanging in the Guildhall Art Gallery, London, taken from the book, “Famous Paintings” […]

Reflection – African Sanctus

The composer of African Sanctus, David Fanshawe, was fascinated by world music so, after completing his studies, he travelled up the Nile visiting Egypt, Sudan, Uganda and Kenya over a three-year period. He brought a small stereo tape recorder on his journey and would persuade local musicians to play for him so when he returned to the United Kingdom in 1972 he […]

Reflection – A Blessing

A friend shared with me the UK Blessing which had helped her immensely to prepare for a major operation and in her post operative care in the ICU. I think it’s such a beautiful and powerful song. At this unique and challenging time in the United Kingdom over 65 churches and movements, representing hundreds of others, […]

Reflection – Do not be afraid, Isaiah 43 1-5

The hymn ‘Do not be afraid’ has beautiful words written by Gerard Markland about trusting God that are very moving.  There are two versions to listen to here – St Andrews Cathedral choir and an upbeat Gospel Touch choir – both are equally current and uplifting…. based on Isaiah 43 1-5: ‘Do not be afraid, […]

Reflection – Les Colombes

Last year the Cathedral hosted ‘Les Colombes’ the exhibit of paper doves by German artist Michael Pendry which was at Salisbury Cathedral in 2018 to spread a message of peace and hope. A message we can’t spread too often.

Reflection – Darkness in to light

Light rising in the darkness is a current need.  The American photographer Colin Winterbottom captured the light coming through the beautiful stained glass windows of Washington National Cathedral.  The time lapse film he has created leads imagination …. Isaih58:9-11  ‘If you do away with the yoke, the clenched fist, the wicked word, if you give […]

Reflection – The Mountain

The MountainIf the mountain seems too big todayThen climb a hill insteadIf the morning brings you sadnessIt’s ok to stay in bed.If the day ahead weighs heavyAnd your plans feel like a curseThere’s no shame in rearrangingDon’t make yourself feel worse.If a shower stings like needlesAnd a bath feels like you’ll drownIf you haven’t washed […]

Reflection – Peace promise

During our lifetime we all make promises, and with the best intentions. The chances are, however, that for one reason or another we break our promise, all part of being human. That is why the promises made by God are so sure and strong and we can rely on them. My favourite assurance of God’s […]

Reflection – Harmonium

The Poet Laureate Simon Armitage has said that poetry is ‘by definition consoling’ because ‘it often asks us just to focus and think and be contemplative.  

Reflection – Taize music Sometimes at a time set aside for prayer, lighting a candle and using Taize music can help to focus your thoughts on God.  Its meditative style of short repeated phrases can touch your heart and create an atmosphere that moves you to want to listen to God more closely as you pray.

Reflection – The Miserere by Gregorio Allegri

The Miserere by Gregorio Allegri has taken on the status of a musical legend, with stories of how it was kept only for the Vatican, by the Vatican until transcribed from memory by Mozart. See the whole story here in Wikipedia,  Just to hear the whole piece for 12 minutes, while reading the words from […]

Reflection – ‘A Feast for Lent’ by Delia Smith

It is fairly certain to say that Delia Smith is so well known that it is not necessary to say who she is. ‘A Feast for Lent’ is one of four religious works that Delia Smith has published.  (There is also a Feast for Advent).  In it she shares her thoughts, prayers and reflections on […]

Lent group

If you are interested in joining a Lent group to listen or watch or read something to spark thought and discussion, please email me for more details and to express your interest. William.

Introduction to our Lent theme – reflections

This year throughout Lent we are introducing a series of daily reflections that we hope will provide you with something to reflect on for that day. We intend to have a number of contributors from the benefice, each sharing something of significance to them – a passage of prose, a poem, a picture, or a […]

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