
Charlotte Yonge

On 3 September , we will be holding a special Choral Evensong at St. Matthew’s, Otterbourne which will feature hymns which would have been around during the time of Charlotte Yonge, a famous and successful authoress of the 19th century who lived all her life in Otterbourne. After the service, cheese and wine will be […]

Bring and Share Lunch

The Recory Summer lunch will be held in the Rectory garden on Sunday 16th July at 12.30pm. Please do come along and join us. Everyone will recieve a warm welcome.

Otterbourne village fete

The fete will be Sunday 25th June 1-4pm on Otterbourne Rec. There will be a fun dog show (weather permitting), Otterbourne CE Primary School Maypole dancing, a dog obedience demonstration, Otterbourne Brass Band, and a BBQ and Bar. There will also be refreshments, ice-creams, a sweetie stall, lots of children’s stalls & games, a bouncy […]

Open gardens in Compon Street

Six gardens, including one listed garden, will be open between Compton Street and Place Lane on Sataurday 24th June. The afternoon starts at 2pm and finishes at 5pm. There will also be flower arrangements on display in all Saints Church, Compton as well as a history tour in the church. Cream Teas will be served […]

Otterbourne Summer Fete

We are pleased to advise that this year’s fete will be held on Sunday 25 June from 12 noon until 4pm. It will be held on the recreation ground in Otterbourne. Please put the date in your diary and await fruther information. If you would like to volunteer to help on the day, please contact: […]

Charlotte Yonge

On 24 June, there will be an exhibition regarding the life of Charlotte Mary Yonge in Otterbourne Village Hall. There is also a display board in St. Matthew’s church which will be in placefor the summer months. Also, on 3 September, we will be holding a special Choral Evensong in St. Matthew’s which will feature […]

Otterbourne Summer Festival

The Summer Festival will be held again on Sunday 23rd June from 12 noon until 3pm on the recreation ground. More details to follow.

Trinity’s Big Sleep Out

On Friday, 12th May 2023, Trinity will be hosting their Big Sleep Out by spending the night under the stars at Winchester Cathedral in homemade cardboard shelters to raise money and awareness for those facing homelessness. Last year, the event raised over £26,000 to support their services. You are invited you to join them for […]

Easter Day

This is the principal service of the Christian year. On Sunday, each church in the benefic will be holding their own all-age comminuion service at their usual times.

Good Friday

It has long been the tradition of the church to keep watch during the last three hours Jesus hung on the cross (12 noon – 3pm). We do so at St. Matthew’s, Otterbourne accompanied by beautiful passiontide music, and inspired words, pictures and film. Come along for as long, or as short a time as […]

Easter Service of Meditation

To help us in our journey through this week we are having a 20 minute service of meditation in St. Matthew’s church room, Otterbourne on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 5pm. Do come along to share this time with us.

Easter Services

Please find below the dates and times of our Easter Services across the Benefice. Thursday 6th April 7.30pm                 Maundy Thursday Parish Communion @ Compton Friday 7th April – Good Friday 10.00am              Meet at Wayside Cross.  Then walk to Compton church for 10.30am service 12 noon               Words and Music for Good Friday @ Otterbourne (2nd) […]

Second Saturday Lunch

Our next Benefice Second Saturday lunch will be held on Saturday 11th March in the Reeves Scout Hall, Compton. We meet at 12.30pm and enjoy good food and company.  Everyone is welcome to join us.  Why not come along?

Vocations Day

A Vocations Day is being held on Saturday 11th March at St. Mary’s Church, Andover. This is a great opportunity for those discerning a call to lay
or ordained ministry to find out more.

Fifth Sunday Benefice Service

January 29th is the fifth Sunday of the month. This means that there is one service across the Benefice and provides the opportunity for us to gather to worship together. This month the service will be held at St. Matthew’s, Otterbourne. The service will begin at 9.30 am.

Mayor’s Chrity Quiz Night

Trinity Winchester are holding a special evening on Thursday 9th February for the Mayor’s Charity Quiz Night. Test your knowledge against Egghead Kevin Ashman.
Get a team of up to 6 together and take on this challenge at the Winchester Rugby Club and enjoy a delicious curry.

7.30pm start

Don’t forget to take part in our raffle on the night to win some fantastic prizes.
Tickets can be booked using the link below:

Christmas Services

We will be holding Crib services, Carols for All, Midnight Mass and Family Communion services across the Benefice over the Christmas period.
For details of our services for Christmas, please take a look at the ‘Sunday’ page.
May God bless your Christmas season with joy and love.


Christingle services will take place in All Saints’ Church, Compton and St. Matthew’s Church, Otterbourne on Sunday 11th December at 4pm and 4.30 pm respectively.
This is a joyful family and community celebration where we will be making Christingles. Everyone is welcome to join us.

Christmas Tree Festival

The annual Christmas tree festival will be held at Hursley on Saturday 10th December from 10 am.
Do come along to take a look and support the village.

Second Saturday Lunch

The Second Saturday Lunch is held in the Reeves Scout hall in Compton. The lunch is open to anyone who would like to join us. A home cooked main course, pudding and a soft drink are provided. Donations are welcomed but not essential. The most enjoyable part of the lunches is always the company and […]

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