Rectory Bring and Share lunch
The lunch will take place at The Rectory in Otterbourne on Sunday 14th July from 12.30pm. Everyone in the benefice is invited to join us. If you come along please bring something that can be shared.
5th Sunday service
The Benefice service this Sunday, 30th June, will take place at Hursley. The service will begin at 11 am.
Knit and Natter
A reminder that our next meeting is on Wednesday 26th June from 2.30-4 pm in St. Matthew’s Church Room. Even if you don’t knit but like to natter, you will receive a warm welcome. Why not come and see?
Otterbourne Summer Festival 2024
This year, the festival will be held on Sunday 23rd June from 12 noon until 3pm on the recreation ground in Otterbourne. We are currently asking for donations of bottles for the bottle tombola please. If you feel able to help with these, please leave them at the back of St. Matthew’s Church for collection. […]
Knit and Natter
All are welcome to come along to this freindly gathering. We meet on the last Wednesday of every month. Our next meeting is on Wednesday 26th June from 2.30-4 pm in St. Matthew’s Church Room. Even if you don’t knit but like to natter, you will receive a warm welcome. Why not come and see?
CHO Tots
The new benefice baby and toddler group is now up and running. We meet every Wednesday during term time from 10-11.30 am in St. Matthew’s Church Room. Babies and toddlers with parents, grandparents or carers are all welcome to come and join us. The group provides an opportunity for children to play and learn to […]
Deanery Synod Ideas fayre
The Fayre will be held on Saturday 13th April from 2-4pm at St.Paul’s Church, Winchester, SO22 5AB. The aim of the Fayre is to give people inspiration for what can be done in our own parishes, and to link with others to exchange ideas and use local expertise. Anyone who is interested is invited to […]
CHO Tots
W are excited to announce that we will be holding a new benefice baby and toddler group, starting on Wednedsday 17th April in St. Matthew’s Church Room. The group welcomes all parents, grandparents or carers with babies and toddlers. It is a chance for your children to play and learn to socialise whilst you have […]
Trinity’s Big Sleep Out 2024
This year the Big Sleeep Out will take place on Friday 24th May. Spend the night under the stars in the grounds of Winchester College, sleeping out in homemade cardboard shelters, while raising money and awareness for those facing homelessness. For more information, please visit:
Jigsaw Festival
St. Matthew’s Church, Otterbourne will be holding a Jigsaw Festival on Saturday 10th February between 1 pm and 4 pm. People have been busy completing puzzles to make sure all the pieces are present. These puzzles will be on display and available for you to purchase to make again at home. Why not come to […]
Benefice Service , Sunday 31st December
Please note that the service on Sunday will now be held at All Saints’, Compton at 11 am. The Service will take the form of a Shorter Communion. Please inform anyone who may be intending to join the Service this week of this unforeseen change.
Family Carol Service
The Family Carol service will take place on Sunday 17th December at 9.30 am in St. Matthew’s Church, Otterbourne. Everyone is welcome to join us.
Services will be held in Compton and Otterbourne on Sunday 10th December. Take a look at the ‘Services’ page on the website for times. Please also note that the Christingle service will replace the 11 am Family Service at All Saints’, Compton.
Chistmas Tree Festival
The annual Christmas Tree Festival will be held in All Saints’ church on Saturday 9th December. Come along from 10 am for some tinsel, glitter and festive cheer.
Otterbourne Christmas Market
Our annual Christmas Fair is being held on Saturday 25th November in Otterbourne Village Hall. Doors open at 12 noon. As well as a variety of stalls, we will be serving food and drinks. In the evening, we are holding a Quiz Night at 7.30pm with a fish and chip supper. If you are interested […]
Hursley Hub
Everyone is welcome to join us for a hot drink, breakfast rolls and home-made cake in th church room at All Saints’, Hursley on Saturday 18th November. Come along between 9.30 am – 12.30 pm for friendly chat.
An Evening with The Gents of St. John’s
The Gents of St John’s are a close-harmony group made up of the world-renowned choral scholars from St John’s College, Cambridge. Join them on Saturday 23rd September 2023 for an evening of music spanning over 600 years in All Saints Church, Hursley. The concert starts at 7.30pm and there will be a fifteen minute interval. […]
Monthly Coffee Mornings
Coffee mornings are usually held on the first Monday of the month at 10am in St. Matthew’s, Otterbourne church room. Tea, coffee, cake and biscuits will be on offer with donations benefiting a local charity.Drop in for as little or as long as you can.
Harvest Bring and Share Supper
Please do join us on Sunday 1st October for the Harvest celebration in Otterbourne Village Hall. The supper will begin at 7pm following on from the Choral Evensong service in St. Matthew’s, Otterbourne. Everyone will receive a warm, friendly welcome.
Concert at All Saints’, Hursley. Date for your diary
We are honoured to announce that The Gents of St John’s, Cambridge will be visiting All Saints’ on Saturday 23rd September for an evening of music. The Gents of St John’s are a close-harmony group made up of the world-renowned choral scholars from St John’s College, Cambridge. The evening will showcase music spanning over 600 […]