

On Sunday November 3rd at 6.00pm in St Matthew’s Church we will be holding our ALL SOULS Service when we remember and celebrate the lives of those we have lost and see no more.
It is a short informal and quiet service of reflection.

Harvest Songs of Praise

On Sunday 6th October at St Matthew’s we will be holding a SONGS OF PRAISE FOR HARVEST at 6.00pm and you are all very welcome to come and sing the popular Harvest hymns and share a glass of wine with us in the Church Room afterwards.
Our Rector will have retired by then, but it is very important that we continue to meet an worship together. We look forward to seeing you.

Choral Evensong

At St Matthew’s Otterbourne on the first Sunday of every month at 6.00pm, we hold a service of Book of Common Prayer Choral Evensong.


All are invited to this year’s service which has been prepared by the Christian women of England, Wales & Northern Ireland. enjoy the full experience of the whole world praying with us on Friday 4th March.
St Edwards Catholic church, Winchester Road, Chandlers Ford at 1-30

After Christmas

When the song of the angel is stilled When the star in the sky is gone When the kings and the princes go home When the shepherds are back with their flock The work of Christmas begins:- To find the lost, To heal the broken, To feed the hungry, to release the prisoner, To bring […]


Listen out for the Carol Singers who will be singing around the Top of Otterbourne Hill on Thursday 16th December! This is something which we used to do several years ago, and by popular demand we think it is a lovely thing to resume as a festive community event. There will be people with buckets […]

An Appreciation

Someone who attended the Jazz at St Matthew’s on Saturday evening had this to say :- “my original intention was to pay a courtesy visit but once I was in St Matthew’s all that changed, I thought the church magnificent, the backdrop and setting for the Band and the music itself was great. The atmosphere […]

Jazz at St Matthew’s – 18th September 2021

Saturday 18th September 2021 The Cavalier Jazzmen St Matthew’s Church Otterbourne Tickets £10.00 each to include glass of wine Tickets from Gill Macdonald 07811146729 Come and have a social evening of good music and fun


Peace I bequeath to you My own peace I give you A peace the world cannot give, This is my gift to you Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid John 14 : v 27

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