
Farewell to William

On Sunday 29 th September, we will be holding a Benefice Service as a farewell toWilliam at 11am in St Matthew’s, Otterbourne. All are welcome to attend as wewish William well as he starts his retirement. Please stay on after the service fordrinks and nibbles.

Coffee morning

Our monthly coffee mornings will resume on Monday 16 th September from 10 – 11:30am. Everyone is welcome to join us in St Matthew’s church room. Come along for tea and coffee; cakesand biscuits. Any donations received ths month will be in aid of St Matthew’s Church.

Baby and Toddler Group

The benefice baby and toddler group will commence again between 10 –11:30am, on Wednesday 11th September. Babies and toddlers with parents,grand-parents or carers are all welcome. It is a chance for your children to play andlearn to socialise, while you have a hot drink and a chat. There will be a biscuit forthe children, along […]

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