
Otterbourne Summer Festival 2024

This year, the festival will be held on Sunday 23rd June from 12 noon until 3pm on the recreation ground in Otterbourne. We are currently asking for donations of bottles for the bottle tombola please. If you feel able to help with these, please leave them at the back of St. Matthew’s Church for collection. […]

Knit and Natter

All are welcome to come along to this freindly gathering. We meet on the last Wednesday of every month. Our next meeting is on Wednesday 26th June from 2.30-4 pm in St. Matthew’s Church Room. Even if you don’t knit but like to natter, you will receive a warm welcome. Why not come and see?

CHO Tots

The new benefice baby and toddler group is now up and running. We meet every Wednesday during term time from 10-11.30 am in St. Matthew’s Church Room. Babies and toddlers with parents, grandparents or carers are all welcome to come and join us. The group provides an opportunity for children to play and learn to […]

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