A Morning Service for the Second Sunday of Lent 2023
Our first reading today marks a turning point in the story of how God relates to his world. Within the book of Genesis it links the traditions of God’s providential care for the world and God’s electing call of Israel. With these verses the writer leaves behind the history of humanity and begins the history of the people of God, God’s witness to the world.
A Morning Service for the First Sunday of Lent 2023
So here we are already at the first Sunday of Lent, just 6 weeks to Easter. And that’s the whole point of Lent, Easter. If you ask lots of people in the street what they thought that Lent was all about you’d hear a few ‘don’t knows’, but I guess the majority of people would say that it was about giving something up, usually chocolate or sugar in your tea – I’m not sure how many people could tell you to what purpose.