
Morning Service for Epiphany 4 2023

Metaphors, what would our language be without them? Every day we use metaphor to explain what we mean – to talk about one thing we talk about another. For example, we say that something is as quick as lightning – and that it’s raining cats and dogs. Most metaphors are fairly easy to understand, some however need a lot of unravelling, not only do they explain the sense of what we mean but they might also take it further and develop the point. 

Morning Service for Epiphany 3 2023

We are all different; our brains and our emotions work differently. Some want to think everything out in a logical manner, some overflow with emotion. Some see God’s actions in their every day life; others do not. There is a woman in this diocese who fits the first category. She strikes me as a good, kind, helpful person, but I cannot agree with her, because God intervening in my every day life, putting right trivial problems for me, is not part of my experience.

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