
January Second Saturday lunch

The January Second Saturday lunch will be held on Saturday 14th January at The Reeves Scout Hall, Compton.
Lunch will be served at 12. 30pm. Come along you will receive a warm, friendly welcome.

Morning Service for Epiphany 2 2023

We are apt to think that our religion is the very apotheoses of western thought and integrity, the very model of all that defines the flowering of North European thought and moral teaching.  We know we are wrong, but we cannot help but see Christianity in terms of our race, language and culture.  We have to remind ourselves constantly that the Christ we profess was not of our race, and knew nothing of our language or our culture.  His language was vastly different from our own, just listen to an Arabic speaker if you want to know how different. 

Morning Service for Epiphany 2023

That remarkable piece from Isaiah is worth pausing to notice. It is easily overlooked on a day so full of obvious sermons about Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh, Wise Men, Stars and the like. They are stirring words of hope to a people reluctant to hope – a people whose hope has been squeezed from them by poverty, by homelessness – by being strangers on a foreign land. They are words maybe for our own time, when although we have so much we are very aware of the fragility of our world. We are prone to thinking that almost any catastrophe maybe just over the horizon.

Morning Service for Christmas 2 2023

As is the case with anything that happened in the past, it is difficult to be certain. Yes, the score was 3-3 say, but who played well and why they did so is a matter of judgement. When we think about the Biblical stories of Jesus’ birth, we cannot be sure; we were not there at the time and even if we had been, between us, we could come to different conclusions.

Morning Service for Christmas 2022

God meets us in the ordinary and we celebrate the fact in the extraordinary. In this extraordinary place, at this extraordinary time.
Mary gave birth like countless millions of women have done before and since, and every birth, every single birth that has been, and will be – full of fear and agony, deepest joy or deepest sadness. In the extraordinary and surreal moment of new life, as it hangs in the balance, all the risk and glory, pain and intensity of life meets. It was the same for Mary as it has been and will be for every human mother across the world and across time.

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