Morning Service for Trinity 15 2022
Today Jeremiah demonstrates the well known phrase, ‘putting your money where your mouth is’. We are very familiar with Jeremiah’s prophecies of doom and disaster, we’ve been hearing them for weeks now, but we are apt to overlook his more hopeful and encouraging pronouncements.
Today we heard a dramatic example of Jeremiah’s faith. Even with the enemy laying siege to the city, and Jeremiah himself imprisoned, even then he shows his faith in the future of his nation by buying his cousin’s field – keeping it in the family, as was his moral duty.
Morning Service for Trinity 14 2022
We are all possessors, not owners. It has troubled faithful Christians since the time of Christ how to account for that which through inheritance, good fortune, or the sweat of their brow they have managed to gather together. This parable says use it generously, for the real treasure to be had is to come. It also says that in the forgiving of debt, life disabling, fear promoting debt, there is reward – be generous and generosity will be shown to you – not pie in the sky, but now among our neighbours and fellow men and women.