
A Morning Service for the 2nd Sunday before Lent 2022

Beware, beware, beware – there’s danger about.  Danger from too much knowledge, and too little sense, too much learning and too little understanding, too much talk and too little thought.  Danger from a thousand years of mistranslation and biased interpretation.  Watch out there’s Genesis about.

A Morning Service for the 3rd Sunday before Lent 2022

St Luke’s gospel contains much the same material as Mark’s and Matthew’s. Luke and Matthew clearly added to Mark’s efforts material they found in another source, but on top of that they each seem to have their own material and each uses what they have in common in different ways, in different contexts and with differing ideas of what they mean. That is what makes the synoptic gospels so endlessly interesting – their similarities and their differences are a cause of endless fascination. 

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