The Parish Churches of

Compton, Hursley and Otterbourne

Three churches - where faith makes sense


For full details of our Christmas services

Benefice Vacancy

We have a vacancy for a Rector in our benefice of three parishes.  Click here for all details.
To follow our Easter trail and learn about our fun day:

New Church Electoral Roll

Every six years, the church electoral roll must be fully updated. Being on the roll allows you to attend and vote at the annual parochial church meeting. Every person who would like to be added to the roll must be baptised and reside in the parish or, if not a resident, regularly attend public worship at the church for which the application is made. Each church within the benefice is currently updating the roll, Should you wish to be included on the new roll, forms are now available in each church and should be returned by the deadline set by each church. In the event of any questions or for more information, please contact our Benefice Administrator.

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Spring Fun Day

Otterbourne will be holding another Spring Fun Day on 26th April from 10 am – 12.30 pm. Further details will be published soon. Please put the date in your diary.

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St Matthew’s Spring Clean

Volunteers are needed to come along and help with giving St. Matthew’s a good clean and tidy up please! We need tall men to help with high level cobweb cleaning and volunteers to help with dusting, brass cleaning and other tasks. The music cupboard in the church room also needs a good tidy. If you think you may be able to help, even for a short while, we would be pleased to see you. We will be meeting between 9.30 am – 12 noon. All help will be very much appreciated. Thank you.

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Vacancy update

We are still working with the Diocese to fill our Benefice vacancy. All three churches are involved in the process and we will provide further updates as soon as we are able.

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Vacancy update

The advertisement for our vacancy has now been published in ‘The Church Times‘. The closing date for applications is 5th February at 12 noon with interviews scheduled for 25th-26th February. Please continue to pray for everyone involved, who is working hard, so that we will be successful in our search for a suitable candidate to fill the role. Further information will be posted in the near future.

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Benefice vacancy

Following the retirement of William Prescott after sixteen years of service, the Benefice is currently without a rector.  Services are continuing as usual, and we are grateful to lay readers and visiting clergy who are supporting us during this period. We must now follow the Church of England process to appoint a new incumbent. The following steps will happen: During this period, our benefice administrator, Dawn Morris, can be contacted with any queries and she will endeavour to direct any questions to the relevant people within the benefice.  The email address is: It is our intention to keep everyone informed of progress and any help or input required. In conclusion, we would like to wish William well in his retirement and look forward to appointing his replacement as soon as we are able.

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