Lent course

Reflection posts

 We will once again be running a Lent course this year.

The subject is Paradise Lost by John Milton. Before you think I’ve gone mad or hopelessly descended into intellectual irrelevance let me tell you that we have the aid of a very helpful BBC abridgement with Sir Ian McKellen taking the part of Milton and Timothy Russel-Beal the part of Satan; this makes the whole work much more approachable. 
Milton lived through times of revolution, civil war and dreadful cruelty, he used this epic poem, often called the greatest in the English language, to meditate and work through his feelings and thoughts on the presence of evil in the world and weakness of humanity. Irrelevant it certainly isn’t.
The course takes place in person on Thursday mornings at 10.30am in the Otterbourne church room. I will consider beginning an evening zoom course if there is enough demand, do let me know if you would like to join such a course and when in the week you might be free. Please email me or give me a call to request the reference to the course pack if you would like to attend, there is half an hour’s homework to do before Thursday!

With all good wishes for a blessed Lent


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